Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sr. Oresoa's Visit

After being blessed by a visit from Dr. Chris Isichei, founder of Faith Alive, we have been blessed again by a visit from another one of our partners. Sr. Oresoa, founder of the Anawim Home and the Missionary Sisters of the Poorest of the Poor, made a surprise visit to Baltimore. She was in the area to attend a meeting at the Vatican Embassy in Washington DC. She attended mass at the Church of the Nativity this past weekend. She also enjoyed a dinner with a group of Nativity Nigeria missionaries which was hosted by HFWA founder and board member Diane Blattner. At that gathering Sister shared photos, videos and stories of the Anawim Home. She spoke of her vision of the future for the Anawim Home. She said her heart would not rest until the work is done for the orphaned children, the mentally ill, the sick and suffering and young mothers in need. Those at the dinner said that they were humbled and inspired by her. Sister Oresao left Baltimore yesterday to return to Nigeria. We are so thankful to Sister Oresao and the Missionary Sisters for doing God's work and for being such an example of God's hands, feet and heart to us.


1. Sr. Oresoa and the Nativity Nigeria missionaries
2. Bob Barczak (Nativity Missions Ministry), Sr. Oresoa and Brian Crook (Nativity Missions Director)
3. Sr. Oresoa and Nativity Nigeria missionaries
4. Poster heralding the hard working Nigerian women

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