Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fellowship & Feasting with Dr. Chris

There was plenty of fellowship, feasting and praising God at the reception for Dr. Chris held at the Blattners' home on Sunday, 9/19. It was a beautiful afternoon. Everyone enjoyed wonderful appetizers, desserts and conversation with Dr. Chris Isichei, who is visiting from Faith Alive Hospital, our partner in Jos, Nigeria. People from all different parts of our community and different churches came together for the purpose of helping the plight of the Nigerian people. Amazing stories were shared. Ordinary people are doing extraordinary things as God is working through them. Connections were made to help serve our partners Anawim Home and Faith Alive Hospital. Moms from the same schools, missionaries from churches and hospitals and people planning to be missionaries all came together to discuss and plan how to help in the future.

The HFWA Foundation is celebrating its 5th year of operation. A presentation was made by the Foundation Board that shared its mission statement, vision for the future and updates on current projects. We sadly said goodbye to Joyce Johnson, who stepped down from the Board as its Secretary and Treasurer. She was a co-founder of the HFWA Foundation and has been instrumental in its success. Ellen Johnson will succeed her as Treasurer and Alison DeMartin will succeed her as Secretary. You can visit the Foundation website for more information on the new Board members and updates on current projects. Diane and Bill Blattner spoke on the challenges and daily hardships that are faced by the Faith Alive community. The environment in which Dr. Chris cares for the Faith Alive community is rather primitive compared to what we are accustomed to here in this country. The amount of resources available to Dr. Chris is alarmingly limited. These circumstances do not deter him from his mission. This same environment allows him to "take his time" and treat the whole patient. Unlike health care providers in this country, he does not have to worry about insurance companies, HIPPA requirements/constraints, co-pays, referrals, the "bottom line". What he focuses on is the individual as a whole human being, a child of God.

When Dr. Chris spoke, he expressed much gratitude, thanking everyone for all they have done. He wanted us to know that nothing he did was done alone. It is God who is at work through us. He said "All glory and honor goes to God". May we realize this and ask for God's blessings as HFWA moves forward in the future to continue serving.

"With men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible."

Mark 10:27 NKJV

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