Thursday, September 30, 2010

To Be A Giver

I always pray to God like the St. Francis of Assisi prayer. "Please God, I want to be a giver. Please let me be giving. For it is in giving that we receive". And not to be a giver of just of things, although sometimes that is necessary, but to be a giver of hope, encouragement or just a few kind words. I also need to remember that sharing my faith is giving. The Faith Alive Hospital staff and community understand this and give on a daily basis. A HFWA Foundation new program, "The Faith Alive Children's Fund" will allow for us to give to especially vulnerable children. This program benefits children who need specialized surgery, rehabilitation, emergency care, special referrals, etc. beyond the capacity of the Faith Alive Hospital. Children are referred to the program through Dr. Chris Isichei, the Faith Alive Director.

Chris Mwajim (shown in the photo), better known in the Faith Alive community as "Little Chris" is the first recipient of this new fund. He is a sweet 4 yr. old boy. Little Chris was born with a complicated and life threatening heart condition. Treatment is not available in Nigeria, so his only hope to survive was to travel outside his own country. He traveled to Bangalore, India to Apollos Hospital for the required high quality surgery at an affordable cost. He was named after Dr. Chris. He is the son of a Faith Alive staff person Daniel Mwajim (in the photo with Little Chris).

Little Chris's surgery, which lasted 7 hours, was successfully completed on Monday, September 27. This was a very risky procedure, but all went well. Praise God! The first two days following this type of surgery are the most critical. It is during this time that the surgeons will see whether or not his heart can adapt to the changes. So far God is answering our prayers. Thank you to all who give to the fund. This surgery is just the first step in the full treatment of Little Chris's heart condition.

I first met "Dad" - Daniel when I traveled to Nigeria as a missionary in August 2008. He left a strong impression on me. He was always so upbeat and full of joy. He wanted so much to share his strong faith with those of us from America. "Please come and visit me!", he exclaimed. And we did. He told us about Faith Alive and how much he appreciated us for just being there. But he never told us of his personal problems. We did not know he had a son who was born with a "sick heart" and would probably not be able to receive life saving surgery. Daniel, like so many Faith Alive staff, just wanted to give to us. He wanted to know us. He made sure we each wrote down our email addresses for him before leaving. Not long after returning home, Daniel's email came. He called me "sister".

Will all of you please pray for my "brother", his son Little Chris and his wife. Please pray for Little Chris's full recovery, for whatever future surgeries are needed and for this beautiful young boy to live a long, healthy life. I'm sure he will be just like his Dad - a GIVER.

"Lord, make me an instrument...
Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive..."

St. Francis of Assisi

1 comment:

  1. Thank YOU for being such a giver, Teresa. Your prayers and support for little Chris and his family are being answered favorably.
